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Website Speed Optimization

Speed up your WordPress website for a better customer experience. Don’t leave your customers waiting for long page loads, especially on their mobile devices.

SKU: OPTIMIZATIONCategories: Services

This service package includes the installation and setup of missing WordPress speed optimization plugins. Included services:

  • Installation and setup of a page caching plugin.*
  • Installation and setup of an asset management plugin.*
  • Installation and setup of an image optimization plugin.*

This service does not include any plugin subscriptions. I would be happy to advise you on which plugins to purchase if you want something more than the free offerings on the WordPress repository, however you would be responsible for paying the fees associated with any subscriptions for these before I can do any work with them.

* Successful optimization with this plugin requires your WordPress version is no more than one release behind the latest version of WordPress, your server meets the current WordPress requirements, and you have at least 2GB of server memory. Please do not purchase this service package if your server and WordPress installation does not meet these requirements.


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