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How to Create a WordPress FAQ

If you deal with a lot of customers, chances are you or your team hear a lot of the same questions. Here is how to create an FAQ in WordPress, to help answer those questions before they come up again.

General Questions About a FAQ’s

Before we go into the details of how to create an FAQ, let me clear up some more generic questions you might have about FAQ’s.

What is an FAQ

FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. It allows you to give short, concise answers to the questions your customers commonly have.

When Should I Use an FAQ

Any time you hear the same questions repeated over and over from your customers.

Why are FAQ’s Helpful for My Website?

An FAQ section helps to answer common questions, which is good for your customers and good for your customer support specialists too. By spending time to answer a question once in your website you can save your employees from answering the same question hundreds if not thousands of times.

Are There Plugins to Create a WordPress FAQ Section?

Definitely! Read about which ones to use here.

How to Prepare an FAQ Plan for Your WordPress Website

Creating an FAQ section is going to take some foresight, so start with a written plan showing what your FAQ should do. This usually begins by writing down a list of all the questions or issues that have come up in the past.

What do you think your customers might ask you if they could talk to you right now? Ask your customer service reps if they can remember any examples of important questions they keep hearing.

Look over your list of questions. Are there any questions on your list that only apply to a small number of customers? Consider removing these. Remember, the FAQ is a general information source for all of your customers.

Are there any questions that are simple to answer for everyone, but not on your list? Consider adding these to the list. For example, “When will I be charged for X service?” or “How do I use X product?”

When you’re finished with your written list, you should have questions with the following characteristics:

  • These questions keep coming up (questions that are frequently asked)
  • These questions are easily answered
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Once you have a pretty decent list of questions, start to try to organize them into groups or categories. This will make it easier for customers to find the answers they need.

Depending on the number of questions and answers you have put together, you may want to break up each group into a separate FAQ section.

Plugins to Create WordPress FAQ Content

The next decision is how to display your FAQ in WordPress. Here are some examples of WordPress plugins you can use to make your life easier.

Ultimate FAQ

Ultimate FAQ is one WordPress plugin that provides the FAQ schema markup you need to be part of Google’s answers section. It comes with a WordPress FAQ block you can use, if you use the WordPress Site Editor. In addition, it also comes with a shortcode you can use in any block editor. If you want the best FAQ’s anywhere, and you don’t mind adding an extra plugin just for that, this is your plugin.

Rank Math SEO

Rank Math SEO is an all-around excellent SEO plugin. I highly recommend it for your SEO needs, and if you’re already using it for SEO, I also highly recommend utilizing its FAQ functionality in WordPress if possible. The free version includes a WordPress FAQ block that is easy to use.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO, very much like Rank Math SEO, includes a WordPress block for adding FAQ functionality. If you’re already using this plugin for SEO, I also highly recommend utilizing its FAQ functionality if possible.

Where to Put FAQ Content

You want to put your FAQ content where it will be seen by the people who have questions. Basically, make it easy to find.

You could put your FAQ content on a specific page, with a place in your main menu. You could also have your FAQ appear on your home page.

If you are planning on having your FAQ content in more than one place, consider creating a WordPress reusable block do you can put your FAQ content anywhere. Reusable blocks allow you to update your FAQ later in one place and every other place it appears will update at the same time.

Learn how to put your content into a reusable block.

Final Thoughts

FAQ content tends to go stale over time. It may help to have your customer service representatives peruse your website’s FAQ section at least once a year, and write down notes about which questions or answers could be improved, which are no longer necessary, and which are missing from the FAQ section altogether. Over time your FAQ section will become much more focused, and much better at resolving customer issues quickly. Your customers and your customer support staff will thank you!


Did you notice I included an FAQ about FAQ’s at the top of this blog post? I used Rank Math SEO! Let me know if you caught that in the comments!

No More FAQ in Google Results!

Previously I had suggested setting up your FAQ content with something called FAQ schema. That doesn’t matter as much anymore because Google ignores any FAQ schema unless your website is a government or health website, and already ranks high in Google.

You can read more about that on Search Engine Journal.

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