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Warning: You May Accidentally Overwrite Your Work in Bricks Builder or Gutenberg!

Please be aware that if you have the “Load Gutenberg data into Bricks” or “Save Bricks data as Gutenberg data” options turned on in Bricks Builder, saving your page content in either editor could overwrite your content in the other. In some cases these features may really come in handy, but in others, use of them could be catastrophic. Please be aware of this before making any changes to your pages.

If you have the “Load Gutenberg data into Bricks” setting turned on in Bricks Builder, you could accidentally overwrite your Bricks Builder page content if you have any Page Editor content on your page, and you save your page in the Page Editor. For example, I have accidentally overwritten my work because I had Page Editor content on a page, and decided to rename the page (something that needs to be done in the Page Editor). Oops! Once I hit save all of my customized Bricks Builder data was replaced by the leftover Page Editor content! I had to start over from scratch on that page in Bricks Builder!

This is also true the other way around. If you have the “Save Bricks data as Gutenberg data” setting turned on in Bricks Builder, you could accidentally overwrite your Page Editor content. Now in most cases, if you are working with Bricks Builder this probably won’t be an issue. Let’s say, however, that you do have a page you’ve created in the WordPress Page Editor, and you want it to stay the way it is. Perhaps you are playing around with Bricks Builder on that page, and save your work. Normally you could just change the page back to showing the Page Editor content in a single click, but since you have the setting to save Bricks Data as Gutenberg data, you replaced all of your Page Editor content with what you put into Bricks when you clicked the save button.

In addition, be sure never to rename your pages while you have both the “Load Gutenberg data into Bricks” or “Save Bricks data as Gutenberg data” options turned on in Bricks Builder. This will overwrite your Bricks Builder page content, because every page you create in Bricks Builder will also have Page Editor content automatically generated. When you go to rename your page, the Page Editor content will then overwrite your Bricks Builder content.

Please be aware of these possibilities!

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